The Anorga Law Firm, Inc.

Contractual & Business Disputes

A business dispute typically arises between businesses or individuals when they disagree over the terms of a contract that binds both parties.



The Basics

The Anorga Law Firm, Inc., represent parties to contractual disputes typically involving goods or services related to business and commercial transactions. A breach of contract occurs when the promise of the contract is not kept because one party has failed to fulfill their agreed-upon obligations. Breaching can occur when one party fails to deliver in the appropriate time frame, does not meet the terms of the agreement, or fails to perform at all. 

The firm also represents clients involved in partnership and shareholder disputes, which often combine sensitive personal issues with complicated legal and financial ones. Whether we are representing a partners, minority owners, majority owners, or the company, itself, we combine a deep understanding of the law with a strong command of the financial issues that affect businesses and balance sheets.


How We Help

At the initial client in-take, we will assess whether the four corners of a contract have been breached, if so, what remedies may be sought and, lastly, what defenses may be encountered, or asserted on behalf of the client.